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Nuances and equilibrium

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Beauty is the harmony of the chance and the good

« For atmospheres that look like you »

Harmony is a leitmotif: harmony between the volumes, in the choice of materials, in that of the colors, between the pieces of the furniture and the decorative elements. The “HARMONY” collection is characterized by a mixture of brass and stainless steel. The brass sleeves bring relief to the balusters and thus allow more creativity to your ramps and balustrades.



Bi-material balusters, brass and stainless steel. The central part in brass is polished and varnished, the tips are made of steel


Red Jasper Semi Precious stone railing final

Our accessories

Products of the collection Harmonie

Baluster in brass and stainless steel BL102

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Starting post in brass and stainless steel PL101

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Baluster in brass and stainless steel BL107

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Baluster in brass and stainless steel BL105

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